Ofsted and Performance Data
To read the Ofsted reports for our school, click here.
The DfE’s school and college performance tables website can be found here.
Infant Schools are not legally required to publish their performance Data on their website. You can follow the link to the Government’s School Performance Tables Website.
Below is a brief summary of our EYFS Good Level of Development (GLD) and our Phonic Screening Check for Year 1 and Year 2 (only those children who didn't reach the threshold in Year 1 repeat the check in year 2 or children new to our school with no Year 1 score).
With regard to budget and spending please see the online information provided by the Government:
No school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
OFSTED's Parent View Questionnaire
To support Parents in completing the Parent View Questionnaire, that Ofsted have on their website, we provide a paper copy to be filled in while waiting for the parent consultation. This is done anonymously.
Any 'disagrees' or 'strongly disagrees' are considered by Year Group leads. If there is a high percentage then letters will be sent out to clarify misunderstandings or to give extra information that might be needed.
If you are a parent and would like to give your views about the school directly to OFSTED please click the link below.
We also do our own collection of data from the Parent View Questionnaire by giving out paper copies at our parent's evenings. Below are the latest.