Art and Design
At Whitehall Nursery and Infant School, we believe all children should be given opportunities to express their inner creativity through the outward expression of Art. Our vision will ensure that children have their creative talents valued which in turn will help them develop a critical understanding to value art and be inspired by artists from the present day and the past. We want our teaching to be focused on the individual child to facilitate their unique creativity and enable them to develop artistic skills, knowledge and critical awareness; children should feel encouraged to express themselves through their art work and value one another’s creative efforts. Rather than being goal specific we focus our efforts on the teaching and learning that is knowledge and skill specific to allow greater freedom and movement for the children’s expression and own thought.
Curriculum Intent
At Whitehall we believe that Art is inclusive for all and enables our children to access the requirements of the National Curriculum, develop a real love of the subject and identify themselves as artists. Through our own progressive knowledge and skills documents, we ensure that the children refine and master the skill and knowledge element as they progress through their time at Whitehall. They experience a range of media and materials so that they have a broad and balanced time working within areas of Art and Design including: colour, pattern, texture, line and tone, shape, form and space. Children are also introduced to artists, craftspeople and designers to help inspire their own artwork as well as to develop their own opinion; being critical and reflective of pieces of artwork they see and experience. By exploring key pieces of artwork, the children begin to understand the stories and history behind them which helps to develop their understand some of the different purposes of art.
Our intent is that all children will develop their Art and Design knowledge and skills to at least a good level, which will encourage a love of the subject and a passion to undertake further study in their life ahead.
We want to teach Art in a way that:
• gives value to Art by teaching it with enthusiasm and enjoyment which will stimulate the children’s attention and so encourage learning within an artistic learning environment.
• explores Art by ensuring all children have frequent access to a wide variety of media and stimulus.
• creates an awareness of Art both in school and the wider community using cross and extra-curricular approaches delivered by teachers and artists.
• encourages and develops an appreciation of a variety of styles of Art from different cultural heritages.
• develops an understanding of a range of skills that can be implemented to create a range of interesting outcomes.
• that teaches them how to create and to be creative with what they see, touch and experience. Developing into a representation of thoughts and feelings and the opportunity to plan, present, self-evaluate and improve.
• shows them that the appreciation of Art is subjective, so different opinions can sit side by side without the need for argument.
Curriculum Implementation
The teaching of Art and Design is implemented through the National Curriculum here at Whitehall Nursery and Infant School.
EYFS Pupils:
Pupils explore and use a variety of media and materials through a combination of child initiated and adult directed activities. They have opportunities to learn to:
- Enjoy and respond to playing with colour in a variety of ways, for example combining colours.
- Use 3D and 2D structures to explore materials and/or to express ideas.
- Explore colour and how colours can be changed.
- Develop an understanding of using lines to enclose a space, and begins to use drawing to represent actions and objects based on imagination, observation and experience.
- Develop their own ideas through experimentation with diverse materials, e.g. light, projected image, loose parts, watercolours, powder paints, to express and communicate their discoveries and understanding.
Key stage 1 Pupils should be taught:
- to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products.
- to use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination.
- to develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
- about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work.
The children are taught Art through their Creative Curriculum topic in relation to the Cornerstones resource that is used in school. Art is taught termly in KS1. Areas covered include: Sculpture through the form of transient art and exploring Ming Dynasty period clay pots; mono printing of cityscapes and minibeasts; observational drawings and exploring use of line through self-portraiture and sketching; working with different drawing and painting mediums to explore colour. Artists that will be explored include: Andy Goldsworthy, Vincent Van Gogh, Stephen Wiltshire, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Kandinsky, Sandra Pearce, Georgia O’Keefe, Amiria Gale, Lei Xue, Gustav Klimt and Monet.
An artist in residence comes into school to help develop the skills of our children in KS1 and helps contribute to the development of their artistic flair, language and appreciation of the subject. This work is then used to be displayed in our Art corridor to celebrate art in school and the achievements of the pupils.
Curriculum Impact
Art is used here at Whitehall to enable our young learners the opportunity to be immersed in a creative and free space in which they can express themselves. As well as being a great subject to promote the well-being of our pupils, it gives chance for inspiration so that they strive to be a creative minded artist. We have access to a wealth of art resource of all mediums and this gives chance for our children to really become explorative artists and find a method and medium they enjoy working creatively with.
The use of the skills and knowledge progression sheets and Medium Term Planning enables our teachers to ensure the children are given the chance to practise, refine and work on those key artistic skills that need developing in art and design.
We measure the impact of our Art lessons by:
- ensuring formative assessments in lesson are linked to the knowledge and skill progression statements.
- gathering pupil voice and asking children directly how they feel about their artistic experiences in school.
- giving feedback both orally and written on post it notes to enable the learners to reflect on the key knowledge gained.
- photographic evidence of the children’s art lessons and artwork.
- conducting sketchbook looks in school and how it clearly displays the children’s progressive artistic journey and development of knowledge and skills.
- learning walks by subject leader.
- year groups sharing exemplifications to ensure progression through the key stage in both knowledge and skills.
Our Art Board
Year 1 and 2 were working very hard being printmakers and working on their drawing skills during the topics of “Bright Lights, Big City” and “Wriggle and Crawl.” A fantastic effort was made by all to make wonderful prints and drawings which has resulted in Whitehall’s gallery being updated to show off the brilliant effort from our young artists! Well done!
Artists in EYFS
Look at our young artists in Reception! They have been working really hard to mix their own colours to create fruit for their baskets based on their driver book, Handa’s Surprise. A lovely example of creating different types of lines as well as a collage attempt replicating animal patterns. Some really well thought out observations and brilliant efforts at colour mixing!
Artists in Year 1
Look at our artists in Year 1! As part of their topic, Bright Lights, Big City, the artists in Year 1 have been exploring use of line, inspired by the artist Stephen Wiltshire. Here you can see some brilliant examples tonal line drawings using different media including pen, pencil and charcoal. Very effective use of line to create their own cityscapes.
Year 1 have also been exploring collage work, making links to their work on Matisse in the Autumn term. Again fantastic artists showing great use of different materials to create shapes for their collage cityscapes.
Artists in Year 2
Look at our Artists in Year 2! Here they are showing experiments in colour mixing to make their own concentric circles, influenced by Kandinsky. They have thought carefully about the colours they like and reflected on how they have created their artwork.